Breton-Garifuna Cultural Exchange – March 18th

James-LovellP11203447pm-12am at Duane Park on 308 Bowery (between Houston & 1st street $10 cover)

The cultures of Brittany and Garifuna meet in a special evening of poetry, dance and musical exchange between the musicians and dancers of bagad and cercle with musicians and dancers of the vibrant community of Garifuna living in NYC.

Garifuna language, music, and dance proclaimed a masterpiece of oral and intangible heritage of humanity by UNESCO in 2001.

March 11 to April 12th is celebrated as Garifuna American Heritage Month in the State of New York.

On March 11th 1797, the Garifuna were exiled from their homeland Yurumein (St. Vincent and the Grenadines), and landed on Roatan an island off the coast of Honduras on April 12th 1797.

The coming together of the Bretons and the Garifuna is a giant footstep to show the world how two cultures can collaborate/coexist and fuse their musical skill to create Fest Noz Fedu!!!